Especially pure substances GK Reaktivy' Hydrogen peroxide, etc.
The qualification "Especially pure substances (osh)" is established for substances of a higher degree of purity in comparison with the corresponding chemical reagents of the highest of the existing qualifications. Especially pure substances contain impurities in such a small amount that they do not affect the basic specific properties of substances.
Especially pure substances are obtained by deep purification of substances, for which various physico-chemical methods are widely used (usually in combination) — precipitation, rectification, distillation, extraction, sorption, ion exchange, etc.
- Серная кислота. Краткое описание.
- Азотная кислота. Краткое описание.
- Перекись водорода. Краткое описание.
- Этиленгликоль. Краткое описание.
- Изопропиловый спирт. Краткое описание.
- Диоксид титана. Краткое описание.
- Аммиак водный. Краткое описание.
- Фтористоводородная кислота. Краткое описание.
- Аммоний фтористый. Краткое описание.
- Графит порошковый. Краткое описание.
All GK Reaktivy' products
About GK Reaktivy'
Branches in Russia and Kazakhstan. You can pick up goods from the warehouse of any of them or order delivery. -
Products of any complexity. Regular customers are granted deferred payment. -
The company participates in various tenders for the supply of finished products, raw materials and equipment.
- (727)345-47-04
- (3955)60-70-56
- (8182)63-90-72
- (8512)99-46-04
- (3852)73-04-60
- (4722)40-23-64
- (4162)22-76-07
- (4832)59-03-52
- (8352)28-53-07
- (351)202-03-61
- (8202)49-02-64
- (3022)38-34-83
- (395)279-98-46
- (4932)77-34-06
- (3412)26-03-58
- (4012)72-03-81
- (4842)92-23-67
- (843)206-01-48
- (3842)65-04-62
- (4212)92-98-04
- (8332)68-02-04
- (4966)23-41-49
- (4942)77-07-48
- (861)203-40-90
- (391)204-63-61
- (3522)50-90-47
- (4712)77-13-04
- (4742)52-20-81
- (3519)55-03-13
- (375)257-127-884
- (495)268-04-70
- (8152)59-64-93
- (8552)20-53-41
- (831)429-08-12
- (3843)20-46-81
- (383)227-86-73
- (3496)41-32-12
- (3812)21-46-40
- (4862)44-53-42
- (3532)37-68-04
- (8412)22-31-16
- (342)205-81-47
- (8142)55-98-37
- (8112)59-10-37
- (863)308-18-15
- (4912)46-61-64
- (812)309-46-40
- (846)206-03-16
- (8342)22-96-24
- (845)249-38-78
- (8692)22-31-93
- (3652)67-13-56
- (4812)29-41-54
- (862)225-72-31
- (8652)20-65-13
- (3462)77-98-35
- (8212)25-95-17
- (4752)50-40-97
- (998)71-205-18-59
- (8482)63-91-07
- (3822)98-41-53
- (4872)33-79-87
- (4822)63-31-35
- (3452)66-21-18
- (347)229-48-12
- (3012)59-97-51
- (8422)24-23-59
- (8672)28-90-48
- (4922)49-43-18
- (423)249-28-31
- (844)278-03-48
- (8172)26-41-59
- (473)204-51-73
- (4112)23-90-97
- (4852)69-52-93
- (343)384-55-89